If you’re on the lookout for some coffee grounds to fill up your reusable K-cup, hear this now… You’re amazing!
Well, perhaps you already know this, but every time you use that tiny refillable pod, one less plastic cup is thrown at mother nature. And for that alone, Thank you.
That said, let’s make sure the end result is a warm stunning cup of Java!
Best Ground Coffee for Reusable K-Cups
Now, once you own an efficient eco-friendly reusable K-Cup, the smart next move would be to select a compatible quality coffee to fill up your heart along with that fancy-looking reusable K-cup.
If you’re in a rush, here I have picked up the best coffee choice overall, the top decaf option, as well as the strongest K-cup compatible coffee for fierce hearts:
? Best coffee overall: Kicking Horse – Medium Roast (Latest price on Amazon)
☠️ Strongest pick: Death Wish Coffee – Dark Roast (Latest price on Amazon)
? Best Decaf option: Jo Coffee – No Fun Jo Decaf (Latest price on Amazon)
Read on to uncover more details on these coffee picks and why they made it to this list.
1. Kicking Horse, Kick-Ass – Medium Roast
Personally, I’d pick this coffee for the name solely. Regardless, the quality of kicking horse coffee doesn’t lie solely on its name, in fact, this is organic coffee that is known to seduce with the incredible aroma that consists of vanilla bean, stone fruit, and sweet syrup.
This brand started way back when two young entrepreneurs grew tired of traveling and decided they wanted to do something extraordinary. Hence, they chose to dedicate their time to the thing they were most passionate about; coffee.
You simply cannot blame them. Coffee is always a better reason to start anything.
In this case, they preferred the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Invermere BC to start this great journey.
The producers explain the taste with notes of sugar cane and milk chocolate, with honeyed berry body. This coffee is Canada’s number one bestselling Whole Bean coffee.
Customers agree that this coffee also gives notes of hazelnut (who doesn’t love hazelnuts?) and describe it as smooth and not the usual burn-roast flavor.
• Organic coffee
• Incredibly nice aroma
• Balanced taste/variety of flavors
• Product bag is difficult to open.
⏳? Check the latest price on ? Amazon.
2. Death Wish Coffee – Medium Roast
Branded as the world’s strongest coffee, this coffee might just be everyone’s everyday elixir to start a productive day.
Due to its great blend of beans and its specialized roasting technique, Death Wish Coffee is considered the patriarch of robust caffeine intake. I mean, they even have the mighty Odin stamped in their Valhalla Java Blend.
It was founded by Mike Brown, 2012, when he started a small coffee shop in Saratoga Springs, NY.
Death Wish Coffee Medium Roast is produced from a blend of Robusta and Arabica coffee beans and is low in acidity.
Some users find the “strongest coffee” to be exaggerated in terms of caffeine content, in fact, if you’ve read my article on which coffee has the most caffeine, there is a handful of stronger coffee brands containing insane amounts of caffeine.
But overall, customers appreciate the quality and exquisite smell of death wish Coffee.
• Strong coffee
• Rich aroma
• Low acidity
• Affordable
• Too strong for some consumers.
⏳? Check the latest price on ? Amazon.
3. New England Coffee, Colombian Supremo
Produced by New England Coffee, this coffee’s mouthwatering aroma will instantly increase the serotonin in your brain, seriously.
Colombian Supremo producers surely do great work on finding the best 100% Arabica beans across the world.
This coffee ranks among the top pick within New England Coffee and it’s known for its unique Colombian flavor coming from those beautiful medium roasted beans.
Users find Colombian Supremo’s taste quite memorable and compare it to chocolate flavor when brewed hot. That’s indeed the combination that triggers every coffee lover: chocolate and coffee.
Don’t tell me you don’t imagine that sip sitting in a Swiss landscape matching the outrageously good taste with the view.
That being said, there’s also some debate that the scent smells artificial. But surely tastes are different and the majority of coffee lovers prefer Colombian Supremo to kickstart their day.
Nevertheless, many coffee snobs are considering this coffee to be too good for its economic price as it tastes very rich and is low in acid.
• Low budget, delicious coffee
• Arabica coffee beans
• Variety of flavours
• Affordable
• Artificial smell.
⏳? Check the latest price on ? Amazon.
4. Seattle’s Best Coffee – 6th Avenue Bistro
This one is love at first sip! These guys really meant business and quality.
6th Avenue Bistro producers actually entered a competition for “best coffee in Seattle” and after winning that one, they rebranded the name to Seattle’s Best Coffee.
Their 100% Arabica beans are selected in Latin America and they work closely with local farmers to ensure a life-changing taste.
6th Avenue Bistro is that coffee that will make your reusable K-cup happy with its perfectly balanced premium beans and give you that first coffee in the morning that will kick start your morning vibes.
This coffee gets five stars for being the best organic coffee and affordable at the same time.
Although some users are not satisfied with its taste, describing it as bitter with a burnt aroma, it stills demonstrates that tastes can be quite different from a person to another. Not to mention the various brewing factors affecting the taste of your cuppa.
• Organic coffee
• Smooth and strong
• Affordable
• Bitter taste.
⏳? Check the latest price on ? Amazon.
5. Illy: Ground Moka Classico Coffee – Medium Roast
If you’ve never heard of Illy: Ground Moka Classico Coffee, I’m glad to be the one introducing you to this smooth, Italian, classy coffee!
Illy was founded as early as 1933 by Francesco Illy and since then it has been a family-owned business creating workplaces and generating tremendous profit.
With that in mind, Illy: Ground Moka Classico Coffee’s flavor will definitely lift up your spirits! Trust me; this comes from someone who has tested this one out.
This brand is expanding in the United States as well, aiming to be the coffee darling that consumers have really longed for all this time. It’s like that local Italian pizzeria we all love but instead of mouthwatering Sicilian Pizza, you get quality coffee!
In fact, this coffee will go so well hand in hand with your reusable K-cup and will give you a lingering sweetness with notes of caramel, jasmine, and orange blossom.
Users describe it as insanely tasty, with a wonderful aroma and a balanced taste which means it is not bitter but very pleasant to drink.
The only not-so-convenient thing about Ground Moka Classico Coffee, which has nothing to do with its quality, is that this particular coffee comes without a lid which means that once you open it, you won’t be able to close it back to maintain its freshness.
In this case, you might need to use more efficient coffee storage techniques, Illy has responded back to these reviews in a positive way, and it seems like the consumers are getting their best coffee with the lid on.
• Recyclable container
• Rich aroma
• Great taste
• A bit pricey
•Occasional deliveries without a lid
⏳? Check the latest price on ? Amazon.
6. Jo Coffee – No Fun Jo Decaf
Among the top picks for the best ground coffee, I couldn’t help but include a decaf option.
The Jo coffee brand originally started in 2013 and is a certified organic brand that was primarily founded with the aim to supply the high demand of buyers on Amazon. Little did they know that they would experience over 40% growth annually from Amazon. Fascinating!
This coffee is organic and it’s considered by its producers’ specialty grade coffee which makes the top 2% specialty grade of organic Arabica raw coffee.
You can get No Fun Jo Decaf in various packages, available in 12 oz, 2 lb. or 6/2 l
The majority of users are highly satisfied with this gem of decaf coffee and describe it as their absolute best choice when it comes to decaf.
• Certified organic
• Best choice for K-cup decaf variety
• Affordable
• No a strong taste
•Very medium roast
⏳? Check the latest price on ? Amazon.
Final Thoughts
Coffee is indeed that little luxury we are blessed to have, it’s also very important to be aware at all times that we also need to take care of our mother Gaia as I’m certain you would totally enjoy your cup of hot coffee, sitting in a little customized van, in the middle of a Swedish forest admiring and enjoying both the scent of trees and the delicious coffee aroma.
The great part about using reusable K-cups is that you get to choose the ground coffee that makes your heart flutter when you smell it.
That also means you if you want to get that fresh-smelling coffee go straight to a roaster. Not only you’ll get that life-altering coffee smell there but also massive knowledge and ideas on what ground coffee might be suitable to you.
Even if it is pre-ground at first, you can always have it ground at the store. If you cannot get the coffee from a roaster, it is totally fine. You can always shop online!
I really hope my 6 best picks of ground coffee will help you decide which of these wonderful brands will be your morning elixir to start a productive day using your reusable K-cup (with your favorite color, of course).
If you are a coffee lover and imagine yourself as an expert connoisseur, feel free to check my other articles.
Also please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section and don’t forget to share this piece on social media if you enjoyed it.